Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility - Wii

Release date:
Natsume, Inc.
Marvelous Entertainment Inc.

Game description

A continuation of the Harvest Moon universe that has the player take control of either a boy or girl main character. The storyline consists of a far off island where the players character has just moved too. Upon arriving they hear of the story of a mystical "Mother Tree" that once attracted the Harvest Goddess, but after many years, the tree has shown no signs of life and as a result the Harvest Goddess has not appeared. As a result, the player must bring life to the island and get the "Mother Tree" to bloom again. The gameplay is similar to previous incarnations, by planting and cultivating vegetables and flowers, finding and raising animals throughout the island as well as make new friends as developed friendships. Players can also compete in festivals on the island to show off their prize plants and animals while at the same time make new friends. The main goal of the game is to complete objectives of the game and learn of the way to bring life back to the island. The controls consist of using the Wii Remote for various actions including using motion controls that simulate actual farming. There is also multiplayer where friends can go head-to-head in a series of carnival style minigames that can support up to four different people.

Game files information

Torrent name:
Harvest Moon - Tree of Tranquility (USA) (Rev 1)
Files size:
File list:
/Harvest Moon - Tree of Tranquility (USA) (Rev 1)/Harvest Moon - Tree of Tranquility (USA) (Rev 1).wbfs
